Simon Pearce - Fall Protection Quiz

"*" indicates required fields

1. OSHA regulations require some type of fall protection above how many feet?*
2. True or false: Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry.*
3. Fall protection systems can include three of the following:*
4. Choose the three components of a Personal Fall Arrest system below:*
5. A properly designed Personal Fall Arrest system includes what three of the following:*
6. A safety anchor must have the capability of supporting at least _____ pounds per employee attached:*
7. True or False: a body harness in a personal fall arrest system must have the attachment point located in the center of the wearer's back.*
8. Roof anchors, dee-rings, and snaphooks with rust on hem are not required to be removed from service*
9. When inspecting fall protection equipment, look for:*